Engcotec Projects and
References in Photovoltaics The company has
accomplished a large number of projects since its establishment. Many
of its large-scale projects have set standards for their time. The
following projects are only some examples:
EC and German Government contracts: - European Commission:
Programme Thermie Action B - Feasibility Study of large applications of
low cost energy efficient PV systems for save lighting of phone boxes
European Commisssion: JOULE SME Exploratory - Sensor Lighting Long
- European Community:
Photovoltaic electricity generation in cooperation between Europe
and developing countries - Scheme for Large-Scale Implementation
of solar home systems in South Africa (1996)
- EC Thermie B Action
PV demonstration and training systems
- Bundesministerium
für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie -
Two PV facades for Training Centres in Cairo
- BmBF: Development of
an autonomous solar-powered air-conditioning system
Institutions and
universities all over the world with complete PV projects:
- University of Applied
Science, Trier/Germany
- Vocational Institute,
Sri Lanka - Vocational Center,
Islamabad/Pakistan - University of Niamey,
- University of Mauritania
maintains close relations with major research and developement
institutes, for example: - University of Stuttgart
Fraunhofer Institut, Freiburg - University of Hohenheim
Institut für solare Energieversorgung Kassel